MotoMami Tattoo

Sponsored By Bellakosa

BELLAKOSA- Motomami Tattoos

BOM/Evox Tintable
Tattoos for Eyes and Forehead
4 Different Versions Each, 
Each with 3 Different Opacities
Faded, Medium, Fresh, Tintable

BELLAKOSA - Victoria Skin EvoX
Velour Tones
Cheeks/Contour/Full Freckles/Baggy Eyes/Eyes Bags

Available at the gothcore event

Check Previous Blog for Raw Skin Shot <3 


BELLAKOSA- Rosary shape for Lelutka Camila

Includes; Makeup, Tattoos, Shape, Stylecard

You Can Buy the Shape With or Without Skin Included

Limited Copies (BUT similar shapes available)

*Eyes used are from Rosary Shape/Skin pack "Drugged Eyes- Soft Black"




My Blog:


Void- Demure Lashes

Magika- Four Swords Hir

Lelutka- Camila Head

Ebody- Reborn

Black Lotus- Iris Flares

Petrichor- Vaera Claws

SU- Nose Piercing Set 2

Chandra- Pepper Crop Top

Kitty Coven- Creepy E-girl Eyeshadow


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